How to get there:
Address (see also this map): Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris
Metro 2 (Porte Dauphine) / RER-C (Avenue Foch) / Bus PC1 (Porte Dauphine)
09.00 - 09.30: Welcome, presentation of the projet and its members
09.30 - 10.00: Yvon Maday (model reduction and data assimilation)
10.00 - 10.30: Pablo Bartolucci (medical aspects of hemodynamics)
10.30 - 10.50: Coffee break
10.50 - 11.20: Damiano Lombardi (numerical schemes for hemodynamic problems)
11.20 - 11.50: Grégoire Clarté (ABC methods)
12.00 - 14.00: Lunch
14.00 - 14.30: Rachida Chakir (Sense-City and reconstruction of pollution maps)
14.30 - 15.00: Angelina Roche (sensor modeling)
15.00 - 16.30: Coffee and discussion about open problems and practical aspects of the project: hiring of post-docs and master students, venue of invited professors.